

Facilities for seniors, specially-abled and young mothers at Mumbai's CSMT station

The Central Railway Civil Defence Organisation conducted a special exercise on 6 March 2024, aimed at raising awareness about the various amenities available to passengers at CSMT station by Central Railway. 

The exercise involved setting up a dedicated Assistance Booth near the main entrance of CSMT station, manned by a team consisting of three Civil Defence Inspectors and 13 volunteers led by Abhay Mishra, Controller of Civil Defence and Deputy General Manager, Central Railway. The team focused on assisting passengers, especially those with special needs such as the specially-abled, senior citizens, pregnant women, and women/children traveling alone. Additionally, passengers were counseled at all entry points of CSMT station.

During the exercise, approximately 700 passengers were educated about the facilities, and around 65 passengers in need received assistance from the team. The team highlighted various amenities available at CSMT station, including easily visible Amenity indication boards, baby feeding booths, free and reserved parking space for the specially-abled, a special ticket window with ramp, Divyangan-friendly toilet, Divyangjan Coach indicators, battery-operated cars, and availability of wheelchairs.

Furthermore, passengers were informed about the procedure to request medical assistance in case of emergencies, including contacting the Deputy Station Superintendent or the TTE on the train, as well as the availability of ambulance services by dialing 108. 

The Civil Defence team also provided guidance on safety measures, correct boarding/deboarding procedures, emergency helpline numbers, use of side-ladders, and Talkback services for assistance and emergencies in AC and non-AC local trains in Mumbai.

In addition to creating awareness, the Civil Defence volunteers encouraged passengers to display compassion and actively assist fellow passengers in need both at the railway station and during their train journey.

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